Общие выводы по экспертизе СмолГУ от Юрий Наумов - Среда 9 Январь 2013, 09:53 | |
Общие выводы General results of examination of Smolensk State University
General results 1. The plan of the project events in framework of realization of the project TEMPUS IV “Network cooperation of partner universities in multilevel system of training and professional development in the field of educational management” was completely implemented by Smolensk State University. All the results are very good. Of particular note: a) interest and a great involvement in the organization of all project activities of the university (Rector Prof. E.V. Kodin, vice-rector N. P. Senchenkov); a high level of culture of management in this project (coordinator G. F. Glebova), the organizers’ quality of work; b) high quality of instructional products that we got during the project; c) organizational work that was done to create the Competence Center; d) system and creativity in organization and leading of the project; e) a high level of human resource management in the project (conditions for personal and professional development, career advancement). 2. Work in the project was the natural extension of ongoing work and development of Smolensk State University in the field of theory and practice of educational management. Even before the project was carried out, there were refresher courses on educational management. So in 2007 - 2009 97 people got the courses. Participation in the international project TEMPUS is an additional resource for the university for its adoption of new educational standards: * educational systems and its long-term traditions of students’ education, * instructional structure that searches for innovative solutions in the conditions of project activity, * social and pedagogical space for personal development of teachers and students, the project participants, * international network partnership in the open informational and educational field. Activity within the project and joining the information field of the project allowed to enlarge the educational services sector provided by the university. The participants of the project mastered new functions and forms of professional and educational activities. The Methodological Department was reorganized into the Department for Education Development. The Faculty of Additional Education was reorganized into the Center for Continuous Education. The work of the Competence Center became the basis for creating of the Department for International Relations at Smolensk State University in August 2012. On the basis of network cooperation with regions is constantly expanding the local community, which has an impact on the university. It has become one of the grounds for participation of Smolensk State University as a part of an international educational program CNAPS. 3. Educational and methodological activities were formed when Smolensk State University was developing the theme “Network cooperation of partner universities in multilevel system of training and professional development in the field of educational management” and it is interesting for the national and foreign systems of higher education in the scientific and practical aspects.
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