Что останется после завершения проекта..? Новая рубрика: «Ретроспектива проекта. Говорят его мультипликаторы и участники…» от Юрий Наумов - Среда 9 Январь 2013, 09:53 | |
Сенькина Гульжан Ержановна, доктор пед. наук, профессор, зав.кафедрой методики обучения математике, физике и информатике СмолГУ What will we have after the end of the project? New column: “Retrospective review. Its organizers and participants say…”
Senkina Gulzhan Erzhanovna, Ed.D., professor, the head of the Department of Professing Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science at Smolensk State University. TEMPUS in my life: yesterday, today, tomorrow When something real comes into your life, you can’t mix it up… At first there was a great desire to know English, it was great but wasn’t my native language. Distance private courses (two months) just increased my motivation but didn’t help my English. This language became necessary, without English it was difficult to talk to colleagues or submit an application etc. Then we got an opportunity to learn English within TEMPUS! So I started to learn English almost from the very beginning, I couldn’t read, write and speak. It’s incredible but when our courses were over I could understand our lectures in English in whole and even could answer the questions as far as possible. It’s difficult to comprehend the thing that completely changes your life in professional, everyday, personal and cross cultural ways. In my opinion, we can compare learning of a new foreign international language only with the universe Maths language. Language begins to help in communication, development, education. You start to expand your geographical and psychological boundaries. Your auditory sensation becomes better (keener) and like a person with an ear for music. The “melody” of some other language is different, and the pronunciation is interesting, unusual. When a person studies any other foreign language their articulation changes that takes away their national identity in some way. Otherwise there will be always an accent. I found out that teachers in English are not just teacher but when they share their knowledge with people they also give them the knowledge about the culture of this language, their learning stile. And the learning stile of teachers in English differs from the classical learning. There is always a personal contact. Our teachers are like parents, who teach their child their native language. They are happy to hear the child’s every new word. They’re proud of their child and tell each other about their every success. We, students, of course, felt it and couldn’t help feeling the same thing. We learned English from the textbooks for foreign students from different countries, so there were many texts showing the specific character of learning in different countries. The most unusual systems for me were the education systems in South Korea, Japan, China. Education in these countries differs from the European one very much. Educational management also depends on the mentality. If there’s not educational management, the system of education won’t work. So the next question is: What does the educational management of the countries (such as Russia), which are in Europe and Asia at the same time, look like? We can’t take anything without losing something. Joining the Bologna process we’re kind of loosing our “Russian peculiarity”. Is it a real loss? Can we do without it? Does the mentality of Hindu, who e.g. studied in Europe, change? There’re more questions than answers. I think the complete joining the Bologna process must change Russian mentality. Otherwise we’ll just declare the realization of the Bologna agreement. The work within TEMPUS showed the opportunities of educational management on different levels. It changed the arrangement and themes of scientific research. In framework of MA courses and postgraduate courses my Department (the Department of Professing Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science at Smolensk State University) began to carry out the research in designing of electronic teaching bilingual dictionaries. At the moment there is the concept and the technology of designing of such dictionaries, there’s also an English-Russian (Russian-English) dictionary in teaching of Computer science, besides there’s a website. Then we’re going to make methodological dictionaries in teaching of Maths and Physics. Methodical bilingual dictionaries are just means to further development of training courses in English (and other languages!), preparation of scientific articles, guidelines, studies based on a grant at the international level, participation in international conferences. There are plans to open a new profile in the postgraduate and master programs that involve training of students of mathematics, physics, computer science in English, bilingual education. In particular, we plan to hold lectures in English for foreign students, including distance education. The development of polylingual dictionaries (for example, Russian-Kazakh-British) in the framework of international agreements on the grant basis is also interesting for us. Thus we can see the expanding of educational environment, educational and professional opportunities for the members of the Department, our students and graduate students. Now we are beginning to feel a part of the world educational space. Paraphrasing Pierre de Coubertin, I would say, "Oh, English language, you are the world!". There is another important factor. A new language rejuvenates. That's right, it doesn’t make wiser but it rejuvenates. It's hard to explain, but you can feel. So if you want to look younger, you should learn a new language. A feeling of great gratitude and love for those who taught us the language, Pavel Vitalevich Silaev provided an opportunity to study it; its rector Evgeny Vladimirovich Kodin and vice-rector Nikolai Petrovich Senchenkov gave the opportunity to understand, what you have reached; Ludmila Yuryevna Mastykina helped us a lot and Galina Fedorovna Glebova coordinated the work. We are sad that two years have passed so quickly. But there’s a feeling of joy that a new world and new opportunities are open for us.
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